Tithonia diversifolia - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Tithonia diversifolia (conocido como botón de oro) es una especie de plantas con flores de la familia Asteraceae que comúnmente es conocida como árbol maravilla, falso girasol, quil amargo, tornasol mexicano, girasol mexicano, margaritona, árnica de la tierra, girasol japonés o crisantemo de Nitobe o también llamado Botón de Oro.
MoreTithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray - SciELO
Tithonia diversifolia es una planta herbácea o arbustiva robusta, conocida con diversos nombres comunes que identifican o manifiestan su amplitud de usos benéficos o
MoreTithonia - Wikipedia
Tithonia has a center of distribution in Mexico but with one species extending into the Southwestern United States and several native to Central America. Two species, T.
MoreTithonia diversifolia - an overview ScienceDirect Topics
Tithonia diversifolia, a common hedge species found at middle elevations throughout East Africa and Southeast Asia has unusually high nutrient concentrations (3.5% N; 0.38% P
MoreTithonia diversifolia - Useful Tropical Plants - The Ferns
200 , 331 ]. The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine and fuel. It is sometimes grown as a companion plant, helping to improve the soil and increasing the
MoreTithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A.Gray Asteraceae SpringerLink
2021.1.30 Tithonia diversifolia is a perennial shrub that grows up to 3 m tall (Fig. 1). The hollow, woody stems are cylindrical, branching, 4-angled, hollow, with alternate,
MoreGrowth, reproduction and resource allocation of Tithonia
2008.3.11 Tithonia diversifolia reproduced asexually and sexually and produced many small light seeds. Tithonia rotundifolia produced large seeds, had early rapid
MoreTithonia diversifolia as a green manure for soil fertility
181 Citations 2 Altmetric 1 Mention Explore all metrics Cite this article Abstract Tithonia diversifolia, a shrub in the family Asteraceae, is widely distributed along farm
More(PDF) Tithonia diversifolia - ResearchGate
PDF On Jan 1, 2013, J. Kandungu and others published Tithonia diversifolia Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
MoreTithonia for green manure; Seed saving workshop
2017.1.16 Tithonia (Tithonia diversifolia), also known as Mexican sunflower or tree marigold, is a perennial shrub that is native to Mexico and Central America. Often introduced for its attractive flowers, it is now
MoreTithonia diversifolia as a green manure for soil fertility improvement ...
Tithonia diversifolia, a shrub in the family Asteraceae, is widely distributed along farm boundaries in the humid and subhumid tropics of Africa.Green biomass of tithonia has been recognized as an effective source of nutrients for lowland rice (Oryza sativa) in Asia and more recently for maize (Zea mays) and vegetables in eastern and southern Africa.
MoreMexikanische Sonnenblume – Wikipedia
Die Mexikanische Sonnenblume ( Tithonia diversifolia) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Tithonia innerhalb der Familie der Korbblütler (Asteraceae). Die Mexikanische Sonnenblume gehört nicht zur Gattung der Sonnenblumen ( Helianthus ). Aber sie zählt genau so wie die Gewöhnliche Sonnenblume und die Topinambur zur Tribus Heliantheae .
MoreFactsheet - Tithonia diversifolia (Mexican Sunflower) - Key
Tithonia diversifolia is a robust long-lived ( perennial ) herbaceous and bushy plant that grows up to 3 m tall. The stems are hollow, slightly ridged ( striate) and hairy ( pubescent) when young. The alternately arranged leaves are borne on stalks ( petioles) 2-10 cm long. The leaf blades (6-33 cm long and 5-22 cm wide) have tapered ( cuneate ...
MoreTithonia diversifolia - Useful Tropical Plants - The Ferns
General Information. Tithonia diversifolia is a robust plant that can vary significantly in habit. Sometimes an unbranched or sparsely-branched annual, it can also be a short-lived perennial, or the plant can become shrub-like with more or less woody stems. It can grow from 1 - 5 metres tall [. 200. ,
MoreTithonia diversifolia - an overview ScienceDirect Topics
2.2 Tagitinins. Tithonia diversifolia has been used traditionally since long time in the treatment of malaria and other forms of fever or wounds in Mexico. Because of its potential biological effects, it has attracted the researchers having interest in health care phytomedical research. The plant has been shown to exhibit various biological ...
MoreBotón de oro (Tithonia diversifolia) - Leguminosa Arbustiva
2020.7.4 Origen y descripción del Botón de oro. Lugar de origen del Botón de oro (Tithonia diversifolia) En primer lugar el Botón de oro es originario de América Central, cabe destacar que existe la creencia que es originario de América del Sur. En segundo lugar es una planta herbácea o arbustiva robusta de 1.5 a 4 metros de altura, con tallo ...
More(PDF) Tithonia diversifolia as a green manure for soil fertility ...
2000.7.1 Tithonia diversifolia is often grown as a cover crop or as a green manure crop in climate smart agriculture practices. This plant can be harvest at various growth stages, and the biomass can be ...
MoreChemical Characterization, Antioxidant, Cytotoxic and
2019.3.4 1. Introduction. The Asteraceae (Compositae) family is known for its therapeutic, cosmetic and aromatic properties.Its main uses are anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, cholesteric, anti-hemorrhagic, antimicrobial, antioxidant, diuretics, analgesics and antispasmodics [1,2,3,4,5].Among the species of this family stands the
MoreTithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray - SciELO
RESUMEN. El género Tithonia, con más de 10 especies, es originario de Centroamérica pero se encuentra ampliamente distribuido en el área tropical de diferentes continentes, lo que le confiere una gran plasticidad ecológica.Tithonia diversifolia es una planta herbácea o arbustiva robusta, conocida con diversos nombres comunes que identifican o
MoreMexican sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) Feedipedia
Tithonia diversifolia is a woody herb or succulent shrub, stoloniferous, annual or perennial, that can reach a height of 2 to 3 m ( Gualberto et al., 2011 ). It has a taproot with many fine secondary roots ( Mwango et al.,
MoreTithonia Species, Mexican Sunflower, Bolivian
Seed Collecting. Collect seedhead/pod when flowers fade; allow to dry. Allow seedheads to dry on plants; remove and collect seeds. Properly cleaned, seed can be successfully stored. Regional. This plant is said to
Moreニトベギク - Wikipedia
ニトベギク(腫柄菊、英語: Tree Marigold, Mexican Sunflower 、学名: Tithonia diversifolia )は、キク科の植物で、中米、東南アジア、アフリカなど熱帯・亜熱帯の地域に広く分布する。 別名コウテイヒマワリ(皇帝向葵)。 地域によって一.草であったり多.草であったりし
MoreTithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A.Gray Asteraceae SpringerLink
2021.1.30 Tithonia diversifolia is a perennial shrub that grows up to 3 m tall (Fig. 1 ). The hollow, woody stems are cylindrical, branching, 4-angled, hollow, with alternate, palmately-veined leaves. The leaf blade is ovate to obovate, deeply 3 to 5-lobed, upper leaves are 6–23 cm long, 3–18 cm wide. The leaf base is cuneate to attenuate, the leaf ...
MoreTithonia diversifolia Mexican Sunflower PFAF Plant Database
Tithonia diversifolia is a PERENNIAL growing to 3 m (9ft) by 1 m (3ft 3in) at a fast rate. See above for USDA hardiness. It is hardy to UK zone 10. The flowers are pollinated by Insects. It can fix Nitrogen. Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils, prefers well-drained soil and can grow in nutritionally poor soil.
MoreCrecimiento y desarrollo de Tithonia diversifolia Hemsl. A Gray
2015.5.7 La Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl A. Gray), planta de la familia Asteraceae, conocida como botón de oro, falso girasol, mirasol, margaritón, entre otros, y originaria de América Central, ha sido ...
MoreProducción de semilla gámica de Tithonia diversifolia Hemsl.) A.
INTRODUCTION. Tithonia diversifolia Hemsl.) A. Gray stands out for its high ecological and productive plasticity, which contributes to be considered the most accepted protein plant by farmers in Cuba and other regions of the world (Paniagua-Hernández et al. 2020).New researches, related to the impact of climate change on the presence and potential
MoreTithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray as a medicinal plant: A ...
2018.3.1 Tithonia diversifolia, a shrub-like perennial or annual invasive plant, originates from North and Central America (Arias et al., 1982, cited by Witt et al., 2019. ...
2020.10.16 Mexican Sunflower. Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray is an impressive member of the sunflower family, Asteraceae.Tithonia was named for Tithonus, a legendary Trojan loved by the dawn goddess Eos, who turned him into a grasshopper.Tithonia diversifolia is a perennial native of Mexico and Central America