Successor of Culatti’s Micro Impact Mill - Culatti AG
Successor of Culatti’s Micro-impact mill is manufactured and marketed by Kinematica AG. The key components of the mill have remained the same as in the previous Culatti
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Technical characteristics Electronic speed adjustment: 0 to 5000 rpm. Hopper capacity: 120 c.c. approx. Collection tube capacity: 35 c.c. Maximum sample size: 6 mm. Airtight
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MoreSuccessor of Culatti’s Micro Impact Mill - Culatti AG
Luzernerstrasse 147a. CH-6014 Luzern. +41-41-259 65 65. info@kinematica. kinematica. PX-MFC 90 D Successor of Culatti’s Micro-impact mill is manufactured and marketed by Kinematica AG. The key components of the mill have remained the same as ...
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